
Here is my portfolio website for showing off my little hobbies 🙃

Say hi at [email protected]

Web devGame designLogseq Self-hostLinuxHeadlessPythonTypeScriptReactSvelteCloudflare Pages/Workers/Tunnels


To-be-named card game business 🃏

Featured ✨ Active

Designing card games, analysing and balancing games with RL and using it to develop bots for online game demos. Initially to use AI-generated art but aim to transition out.

Game designMachine learningCloud GPUsAI generated art vast.aiStableDiffusion

Citraline 🍋

Featured ✨ Active


A next-gen payments processing platform in development! For developers and creatives

Cryptocurrencies BunJSDockerSveltekit

p2p game framework 🎮

Featured ✨ Active


Making online and local splitscreen coop games. Free console experience! Spectator mode available. Will make several games using this framework and use RL to analyse and balance games, and to develop quality bots! Try out the pacman demo ^^

Game devMachine learningCloud GPUs p2pQRSveltePhaserJSvast.ai

Verda 📳

Featured ✨ On hold


A social experiment! Friends add each other. Posts are seen only by your friends. All posts are anonymous. You can reply to posts and start one on one conversations but neither knows who's on the other side. Just two people talking

Web dev SveltekitSSRCF Workers

Idle Factory ♟️



A framework for making resource management/strategy/idle games. A WIP demo above!

Game dev Svelte

Cybersecurity 101 🔒


A little website to educate the average person about little security things

Web dev

Genesis 🔮

On hold

Vision of a fully customisable digital environment to simulate digital life! It'd eventually be all plugin system based, but will first hack something together and see if ecological niches form. One day, emergence 👽

Game dev?Cloud GPUs Rust

nerdd.cafe 🤓

On hold


A fediverse community, to be rebooted. To have a custom account application form and admin panel

MastodonSelf hosted Gotosocial

learntereo 🌿

On hold


This was supposed to be a mylang fork dedicated to Te Reo. Didn't find any great datasets, so have been waiting (mylang codebase was pretty crap too!)

Web dev React

mylang 🗨️



My first web development project! I had to make something of a parallel texts dataset I found online

Web dev ReactTatoeba project

Lasertag guns 🔫

On hold

These have been a long time coming. I had custom PCBs made and all the electronics finished and working. Will get back to them next I have somewhere I can solder and store electronics components

Electronics ESP32nRF24L0118650-poweredJLCPCB

argentgames 👾



Three little abstract games I made a long time ago

Game dev Vanilla JSCanvas